Radiologic Diagnosis of Gastric Cancer A new Outlook - L.M. Portnoy, medicalheaven radiology

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L. M. Portnoy
Radiologic Diagnosis of Gastric Cancer
A new Outlook
L. M. Portnoy
Radiologic Diagnosis
of Gastric Cancer
A new Outlook
Dr. L. M. Portnoy
1st Aeroportovskaya, 6-196
125319 M os cow
Springer Medizin Verlag Heidelberg
ISBN-10 3-540-29120-2
1. Auflage
Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York
ISBN-13 978-3-540-29120-2
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Author‘s Foreword
We chose the radiological diagnosis of gastric cancer as the subject of our monograph for the
following reasons: First, the diagnosis of gastric cancer has not improved radically during the
past 10 years despite the extensive use of endoscopy in practical medicine. Second, the potenti-
als of radiological examination and traditional X-ray diagnosis of gastric cancer are greatly un-
Our thorough and detailed analysis of the situation based on our experience, both scientif-
ic and practical, should serve to remind health-care authorities and most clinicians about the
advantages of radiological methods in diagnosing gastric cancer. It is necessary to radically re-
vise the diagnostic concept, which was formed in the 1960s–1970s and was based solely on en-
doscopic examinations.
This book emphasizes the objective necessity of returning to the radiological diagnosis of
gastric cancer in close collaboration with endoscopy. The monograph will be helpful to both
practical radiological diagnosticians and gastroenterologists, oncologists, surgeons, and health-
care authorities. It presents entirely new methodological approaches to the X-ray examination
of the stomach and corrected semiotics of the tumor. We also provide a list of clinical symp-
toms of the disease. A special section in the monograph deals with screening of populations
for gastric cancer with special emphasis on radiology.
We present comparative data to show the relations between X-ray data and morphological
evidence obtained by examination of resected stomach tissues.
We also describe in detail all currently used methods, such as single and double-contrast
barium investigations, ultrasonography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance im-
aging. We describe the methodology and semiotics of gastric cancer, which were verified by
using these methods, and the results of comparative studies obtained using traditional X-ray
examination and morphological studies.
In the section dedicated to ultrasonographic and tomographic methods of examination
we explain our point of view regarding the possibilities of modern radiological diagnosis in
staging gastric cancer, in determining its spread over the stomach walls and invasion of the
neighboring organs and tissues.
In this monograph we also discuss the indications for radical surgery which, in our opin-
ion, need correction as well, because only histological evidence is now regarded as an indica-
tion for the operative treatment of gastric cancer.
January, 2006
Dr. L. M. Portnoy
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